Special McUpdate — Feb 25

3 min readFeb 26, 2021

Todays announcement is going to be a VERY hefty one with a lot of work and execution coming out before the end of Q1.

Now lets talk about our BIG announcement.

You were wondering about ETH gas fees and wondering about how to mitigate them. We talked and considered within this growing market , what areas would be ideal for us to grow in.

So we did some painstaking searching and connecting and communicating with other developers to figure out where we were going to go with this.

So we decided to port over $MCDC to $xDAI and now our transactions speeds are 2 seconds and 0.00004 cents in fees. YES LESS THAN A PENNY AND 2 SECONDS.

This is also for our TOP SECRET PROJECT which is being announced March 7th so you can see the results of what we plan to do. It’ll be super juicy. I’m sure all of you will love what we have in store.

Yes. I know it’s pretty big. We have also listed $MCDC On honeyswap. (Currently liquidity for this pair is low , but it will increase over time with our next step to mainstream adoption of $MCDC)


Now we wanted everyone to participate in the market, and since corona hit, getting crypto might be a little difficult. So we found a way for users to EASILY use their credit card to buy $xDAI then $MCDC


20k USD is max we believe for credit card transaction with low fees but the onboarding of new users makes this process easier using Ramp Network. After that convert your $xDAI to $MCDC and you are golden.

Instructions on how to step this up are here.

GUIDE FOR xDAI: https://www.xdaichain.com/for-users/wallets/metamask/metamask-setup


Network Name: xDai
New RPC URL: https://ancient-wandering-thunder.xdai.quiknode.pro/e63baf3261859fd9a4aaf2dcc42d4ec1535805df/
Chain ID: 100
Currency Symbol: xDai
Block Explorer URL: https://blockscout.com/poa/xdai

when using metamask on xDai (or any other low fee network) ALWAYS check the gas price. I’ve been manually setting the gas price to 1 GWEI and have had no issues. Metamask wants to default me to 165 GWEI.

xDAI MCDC CONTRACT: 0xC577cDdABB7893cC2cA15eF4b5D5e5E13c3FeeD3
MCDC BRIDGE: https://omni.xdaichain.com/
xDAI BRIDGE: https://dai-bridge.poa.network/
HONEYSWAP PAIR: https://info.honeyswap.org/pair/0xd743fa538b46eb9ffe26e49e54f53580c1ed8215
FAUCET: https://blockscout.com/poa/xdai/faucet
FIAT-TO-xDAI: https://ramp.network/buy/?swapAsset=XDAI

Farm $MCDC NFTs on Unifty

Now this is one of our special features that you will see more of in the future. We wanted to make collectibles for the McDonaldsCoin ecosystem. Inviting everyone to participate in our awesome goal of turning art into limited edition McDonaldsCoin memes created by our community.

UNIFTY MCDC NFT FARM: https://unifty.io/xdai/farm-view.html?address=0x453aB05445daedb976DbF10e9D20BaC0174959cc

For this to work , you would bridge over your $MCDC to the $xDAI network , and then stake your $MCDC to be able to earn McPoints for your NFTs. We currently have three common type NFTs in the link above. It does cost money to bridge so we advise not porting over until we have our TOP SECRET PROJECT ready for the market.

Our wonderful friend @swaggyp50 is also airdropping some NFTs in the upcoming days, so you will be able to enjoy some of the most beautiful NFTs on the market. (And it only costs less than 0.00004 cents for each NFT upload on the $xDAI network)

LASTLY. Our top secret project will be open to the market on the 7th of march during the Satoshi AMA. This will not only solidify ourselves as THE McDonaldsCoin , but a coin with actual utility on the network. Our goal was to go viral and be more than Doge coin, which is simply just a coin with no actual use case. Prepare yourselves because we intend to reach out to broad audiences and introduce more people to our cause.

We hope you enjoyed our work over the past couple of weeks. It’s been hectic but we plan to grow even bigger. I’m excited for what we have in store for you all. For we believe that execution is fundamental in this life and we hope you appreciate our results.

We’re all going to McMake it.

